
Linkki Jyväskylä ry:s official chat is hosted in Telegram, from where you can also find our info channel. All info channel messages get sent to the main chat as well.

The chat is bridged between association’s other message channels, so you can join from the platform you prefer. Our current channels are located in:

Chat rules

This chat is intended for dealing with matters related to studies and our student association. However, the conversation does not have to be strictly related to these, and more free time related topics are welcome as well. Respect others while messaging. Especially forbidden behaviour include:

  • Threatening behaviour and hate speech
  • Political agitation
  • Junk mail and advertising

Linkki Jyväskylä ry:s chat is moderated by the current board of directors and moderators named by it. Individual moderation desicions can’t be appealed.