
Linkki Jyväskylä ry, Linkki is a sizable student association for Mathematical Information Tehnology, and Educational Technology majors and minors in University of Jyväskylä. The association has over 1000 members and we are amongst the fastest growing student associations in Jyväskylä. Collaboration with Linkki Jyväskylä ry provides companies with an excellent avenue to connect with future experts in both Information- and Educational Technology.

For more information on collaboration opportunities, please end an email directly to our Corporate and Partnership Manager (

Types of Collaboration

Company Visits

Company visits, known among students as excursions, provide companies with a great opportunity to showcase their operations and facilities, as well as themselves as employers. During these visits, students get an opportunity to genuinely know the companies and their employees.

Student Overalls

Linkki’s overall colors are a bit different from the usual monochrome ones; Linkki members’ overalls are blue and black. These overalls are worn at almost all student events, making overall advertisements an excellent way to gain visibility among students beyond just those studying information technology. Overall advertising is one of our most popular collaboration methods.


Another type of collaboration is participating in Linkki’s events, for example, by having your own booth at Instanssi. Linkki’s members are active event-goers, so company visibility is definetly ensured.

Annual Gala Support

In keeping with tradition, Linkki Jyväskylä ry celebrates the past year with a prestigious annual gala. Participants inclue everyone from our freshmen to alumni, partners and invited guests. Spporting the annual gala is a great way to beacome familliar with many of the attendees. We also offer the opportunity to speak to guest on site. More information can be found from or .

Instanssi Support

Instanssi, a digital creation event organized annually by Linkki Jyväskylä ry, is a low barrier of entry event for anyone interested in IT, programming and other digital creating. Companies can support the event, and also give talks, lead workshops or present themselves and their operations.

Linkki Sticker

Companies can collaborate with Linkki by offering benefits from their products or services. By presenting a Linkki sticker, our members are entitled to pre-agreed benefits.

Other Forms of Collaboration

Our methods for collaboration are not limited to those listed above; we are always ready to develop new collaboration methods. If you have a new form of collaboration in mind, we are ready to develop it further together. Plase send a message to .