Honorary mentions

Academic badges of honor

Linkki’s rules recognise three types of merit badges:

  • Honorary member badge, which is 42 mm in size and gold in colour. Honorary Memberships are awarded up to a maximum of one per year.
  • Honorary mention badge awarded to a distinguished member, which is 28 mm in size and silver in colour. Honorary mentions shall be awarded up to a maximum of three per year.
  • Board member badge, which is 28 mm in size and gold in colour. It is awarded for the use of the current and previous members of the Board of Linkki.

Honorary members

The Association may invite as honorary members, on the proposal of the Board, a person who has given meritorious support to the activities of the Association and who has given their consent. Honorary membership is for life. Any accumulated membership rights shall be retained.

The following persons have been granted Linkki Jyväskylä ry honorary membership:

  • Ilona Lapinkylä 2022
  • Joel Lehtonen 2022
  • Eeva Pöykkö 2020
  • Paavo Nieminen 2018
  • Pekka Neittaanmäki 2017
  • Kari Aho 2015
  • Jani Lehtinen 2015
  • Matti Lehtinen 2015
  • Jaakko Kaski 2015
  • Vesa Lappalainen 2015

Honorary mentions

The board may grant honorary mention to a meritorious member of Linkki Jyväskylä ry.

The following persons have been granted Linkki Jyväskylä ry honorary mention:

  • Niko Muukkonen 2024
  • Aino Sipola 2024
  • Riina Kokkonen 2022
  • Joonas Rautiainen 2022
  • Jari Haapasaari 2022
  • Ilona Lapinkylä 2022
  • Aleksi Suuronen 2020
  • Minna Kangaspuoskari 2020
  • Otto Jahnukainen 2020
  • Karri Kuivanen 2019
  • Tinja Vaskelainen 2019
  • Sara Afflekt-Lazar 2019
  • Tommi Salo 2018
  • Jami Laamanen 2018
  • Janne Mäyrä 2018
  • Tomi Lundberg 2016
  • Paavo Nieminen 2016
  • Jarkko Vilhunen 2016
  • Joel Lehtonen 2016
  • Simo Haatainen 2016

Linkeen of the year

Vote for Linkeen of the year will be conducted annually in November and the voting period lasts for 3 weeks. The vote will be announced to the members via email and the website of the association.

The following people have been chosen as Linkeens of the year:

  • Tinja Vaskelainen 2018
  • Sara Afflekt-Lazar 2017
  • Leevi Leppälä 2016
  • Joonas Lattu 2015
  • Mikko Väänänen 2009
  • Tuomo Sipola 2008
  • Mikko Punkari 2007