
A board of directors is chosen for a year at a time in the organisation’s autumn meeting, where all members of the organisation are invited to vote. Board members do not differ from other members beside their obligation to fulfill operations required by law and the operative plan of the organisation. In Linkki, members acting in administrative roles or as directors of teams are members of the board.

Operatives are members of the organisation’s teams, commonly tasked with a specific role within said team. Operatives have no legal responsibility or obligations within the organisation. If you would like to participate in Linkki’s operations, send a freely formed email to and we will fit you right in!

Teams are legs of the organisation, where the operative tasks of the organisation are performed. These tasks are laid out by law, and the organisations operative plan.


Administrative Team

The main task of the administrative team is to ensure and work towards compliance with the legislation, such as the Association Act, in the activities of the association. The team ensures that meetings are organized according to the legal requirements and takes care of financial monitoring and budgeting. The team primarily operates in an administrative and coordinating role. Team members also participate in the activities of other teams when necessary.

Chairperson acts as the head of the association. They organize meetings, communicate with the faculty, and liase with chairpersons of other student associations.

Vice Chairperson ensures that the Chairperson completes their tasks and assumes the Chairperson’s duties if they’re unable to fulfill them.

Secretary writes, approves, and archives the minutes of meetings, manages paperwork, and reserves various facilities.

Treasurer handles financial matters such as invoices, bookkeeping, financial statements, and audits.

Board Mentor or “Old Weasel” is a former board member whose task is to support the current board and convey useful traditional knowledge.

Communicator maintains mailing lists and acts as a contact person alongside the Chairperson.

Corporational and Collaborationbal Team

The task of the company and collaboration team is to nurture the association’s partnerships, ensure that both parties of the partnership agreements fulfill the terms of the collaboration agreements, and seek possible new partners.

Corporational and Collaborational Coordinator acquires partners, e.g., overall sponsors, with the help of members of their team.

TEK- ja Loimu Coordinator is responsible for collaboration and communication with TEK and Loimu.

TITOL Coordinator is responsible for collaboration with TITOL.

Educational Policy Coordinator is the voice between students and the faculty and acts as an advocate for students.

Events Team

The task of the events team is to ideate, organize, and execute cultural events, trips, and other events arranged by the association. The activities of the Events Team might be the most visible part of the association’s activities.

Event Coordinator handles events, with the assistance of their team members.

Project Team

The project team is responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of larger events, such as Jyväsmetro and annual gala.

Project Coordinator

Wellbeing Team

The task of the wellbeing team is to take care of the welfare advocacy and social policy issues of the association’s members, such as equality within the association’s activities. The team works on behalf of the student association to ensure that everyone has a safe study environment where each person has the right to study without experiencing harassment, bullying, or discrimination.

Wellness Coordinator holds meetings with their team and acts as an intermediary between the board and the wellbeing team.

Freshman Coordinator acts as a link between the faculty, the student association, tutors, and freshmen.

International Affairs Coordinator serves as a contact person between international students, the faculty’s international sector, and the student association.

Social Policy Coordinator deals with issues such as student livelihood, housing, health care, and other welfare matters.

Blood Deity organizes blood donation days.

Kattila Emperor maintains the subject association’s space Kattila (Ag B437).

Media Team

The task of the media team is to inform the members through various association’s channels such as the website, social media channels, and email. The team maintains and develops the association’s website and produces multimedia content for the needs of other association teams.

Media Coordinator acts as a link between the rest of the media team and the board and performs other roles’ tasks as necessary.

Webmaster maintains the website and email aliases.

Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the subject association magazine A href.

Media Coordinator handles our social media.

Meme Master manages our meme channel on Telegram.

Graphic Designer/Layout Designer layouts the magazine A href.
